#MakeoverMonday is a weekly data visualization exercise led by Eva Murray and Andy Kriebel. They post a data set and original viz - and we improve upon it! To participate or for more information, visit the Makeover Monday website.
Below is the original visualization. It depicts the coal production and number of mines by coal owners across all states in India.
First, two questions:
1) What works?
2) What doesn't?
Click here for the full interactive viz on Tableau Public.
Sandeep Pai and Hisham Zerriffi. A novel dataset for analysing sub-national socioeconomic developments in the Indian coal industry, IOPSciNotes, https://doi.org/10.1088/2633-1357/abdbbb
SOURCE ARTICLE: A novel dataset for analysing sub-national socioeconomic developments in the Indian coal industry
DATA SOURCE: Sandeep Pai and Hisham Zerriffi via Harvard Dataverse